We are almost through the alphabet with our Weird and Wonderful Words series. For the other posts see Part 6, Part 5, Part 4, Part 3, Part 2, and Part 1 .
Here are some words you just might
want to add to your vocabulary!
Tachyphagia – fast eating (I am guilty… especially on Thanksgiving!)
Taeniacide – killing of tapeworms (And is this a bad thing??)
Talpa – mole or similar mark on the body (Have them checked every year!)
Tappen – the plug by which the rectum of a bear is closed during hibernation (Hey, I didn’t make up this word!)
Tarantism – the urge to overcome melancholy by dancing (That could definitely work!)
Tartarology – beliefs about hell or the underworld
Teratology – study of monsters, freaks, abnormal growths or malformations
Textrovert – one who feels much braver when communicating by text message rather than in person (This is obviously a new word and is in the urban dictionary… and aren’t most people textroverts?? Add this one to Meyer Briggs!)
Thither – to that place (I’m going there. Art thou??)
Tibialoconcupiscent – having a lascivious interest in watching a woman put on stockings (To each his own!)
Tinchel – circle of men who encircle a deer (Whatever for? Hunting or men’s group?)
Tittynope – a small quantity of something left over (What is titty-yup??)
Tocology – obstetrics; midwifery (Not to be confused with toxicology – completely different)
Tootle – nonsensical writing or speech (I wonder why there seem to be so many words for this type of thing.)
Topophobia – stage fright; fear of performing; fear of certain places
Torcula- wine press
Torticollis – stiff neck
Tresayle – great-great grandfather
Troglodytine – of, like or pertaining to wrens (Here’s a word you will likely be using often!!!)
Tyromancy – divination using cheese (I can’t even picture it!)
Ucalegon – neighbor whose house is on fire
Ulatrophy – atrophy of the gums (FLOSS!!!)
Ulotrichous – having wooly or crispy hair (Crispy hair? Turn the heat down on your flat iron!)
Ultracrepidarian – of one who speaks or offers an opinion beyond his or her knowledge (We’re all familiar with this one!)
Underwit – inferior wit; half-wit (But this word sounds so much better!)
Univocalic – having only one vowel; written passage using only one vowel (How much can you write with one vowel!)
Uranoscopy – star-watching
Uropygium – rump of a bird (Another useful one….maybe on Thanksgiving)
Uxorious – excessively fond of one’s wife (Aw, sweet…..)
Loved this one! Gave me a good chuckle this morning and something fun to forward to my literate friends..
Glad you liked it, and hope your literate friends do too!!