Wabbit: Exhausted, tired, worn out. (See photo on left!)
Hmmmm . . . unusual words that begin with V and W. This ought to be good! So try adding these to your conversations this week! Of course, some of these are likely obsolete, but they are all real words.
vagient – Crying like a baby
vaticide – Killing of a prophet
venesect – To open a vein for blood-letting (hopefully obsolete?)
ventripotent – With great capacity or appetite for food (I can relate)
verbomania – Craze for words (I can relate to this one too. Guess you can as well!)
vernalagnia – Spring fever
versemonger – Writer of mediocre poetry
vespasienne – Public lavatory (how fancy!!)
vespertilionize – To turn into a bat (I don’t assume you will be using this one too often)
vigintiquintuple – Result of multiplying by twenty-five
vindemy – Taking honey from beehives
viripotent – Fit for a husband; marriageable
wawaskeesh – An American elk
whiskerando – A whiskered person (I love this one!)
widdershins – In a contrary or counterclockwise direction
widdiful – Someone who deserves to be hanged
windlestraw – A person who is tall, thin and unhealthy looking
winebibber – A person who habitually drinks a lot of alcohol. Today we just say this person is an alcoholic. (Try this one out at a holiday party!)
woofits – An unwell feeling, especially a headache; a moody depression.
You have probably noticed that the holidays are upon us. Well (shameless promotion begins here), what makes a better gift than a book? And what more useful book than an educational book……perhaps a grammar book? Do I have a suggestion for you!
The Best Little Grammar Book Ever and Correct Me If I’m Wrong are available on Amazon, Kindle, and all other online print book and ebook sellers including iBooks. Beyond Worksheets and The Great Grammar Cheat Sheet are available on Kindle.
Want a real deal? Get all four books– plus my novel– as PDF downloads for only $20!!!
The Best Grammar Workbook Ever is coming . . . . Quality takes time!
The next time someone calls me a sesquipedalian, I will counter that they are a verbomaniac.
When I need to be excused, I can just say I have a call from the vespasienne.
Wabbit did me in…I want him. so cute! Your books are at my right hand and should be on every writer and student’s elbow! They are pure gold. ps: spell check has redlined my wabbit.
Thank you so much, Arletta! Yes, Word redlined my wabbit too! And autocorrect just changed it to rabbit !
My soulmate! Another verbomaniac! I am so glad we’ ve finally found each other…I WILL add you to my mailing list so as not to lose you again! 🙂
Thank you! Yes, a verbomaniac and a grammomaniac (and if that isn’t a word, I will make it one!)
Thank you for expanding on the etymology of that pretty word for lavatory! I am sure there are many unknown words beginning with X, Y and Z. I am ready!
Viripotent: might be one of my new favorite words! Does it describe the man (virile, good marriage material) or the woman (she has the qualities a man is looking for)? Either way, it makes me laugh out loud!
I am quite sure it applies to the man, from the sounds of the word!
Then, when spellcheck changes The word Humor to the word Honor, you will want to change it!
The barking dog next door is giving me WOOFITS! Never forget that one. Get these books and give them to kids of any age! You will be surprised what honor they will find there while improving their Grammar.
Thank you! I am very humored!