Zowie! Who knew there were so many fascinating words beginning with the letter Z?? You will love some of these!
zabaglione – a frothy dessert or sauce made of eggs, sugar, and Marsala wine
zaddick – In Judaism, a righteous man
zaftig – having a full, rounded figure
zag – a sharp angle that helps to form a zigzag pattern, when alternated with a zig!
zakuska hors d’oeuvre; snack
zalambdodont – having molar teeth with V-shaped ridges (I didn’t make it up!)
zany – a silly or foolish person (Don’t you always use zany as an adjective???)
zapata – flowing, drooping moustache
zappy – lively; entertaining
zarf – ornamental holder for hot coffee cup
zatch – female genitalia (hmmmm….)
zazzy – flashy; stylish
zebrine – offspring of male horse and female zebra
zein – white, colorless, odorless protein extracted from corn and used in plastics, paints, etc.
zebu – ox with hump and dewlap
zegedine – silver drinking cup
zek – inmate of prison labor camp
zelatrix – older nun in charge of disciplining younger nuns
zelator – sister in a convent in charge of checking on conduct of other nuns
zemni – blind mole-rat (Yes, there is such a condition as zemmiphobia – fear of the great mole rat)
zenzic – square of a number
zenzizenzizenzic – eighth power of a number – This HAS to be my favorite!
zeroable – able to be omitted from a sentence without any loss of meaning (to the subject or verb, for example!)
zep – large sandwich made on a long crusty roll (like Subway?)
zeugma – figure of speech in which a single word, usually an adjective or a verb, is syntactically related to two or more words, through having a different sense in relation to each: The cake was good, but his attitude wasn’t. (?????)
zho – cross between a yak and a cow
zitella – young girl; maiden (No, not a small zit!)
zizel – chipmunk
zimocca – bath-sponge
zizz – sparkle; vim
zoanthropy – delusion that one is an animal (very interesting!)
zoiatrics – veterinary surgery
zol – hand-rolled cannabis cigarette
zomotherapy – medical treatment using raw meat (Oh, is THAT what Lady Gaga was doing?)
zoodikers – an exclamation
zooid – an animal organism produced by other than sexual methods
zoothapsis – premature burial
zori – a Japanese sandal style
zowie! – an interjection!
zuchetto – skullcap worn by Roman Catholic prelates (No, not a small zucchini)
zugzwang – chess blockade
zymurgy – branch of chemistry dealing with fermentation
zyzzyva – South American weevil (If you ever find a Scrabble game with three zzz’s, you are all set!)
Next week – Back to grammar! Hope you have enjoyed this series!
Believe me, I wish there were more letters I could do too. I could always go back and start with A again!
This series is rival to Anu Garg’s Wordsmith!
Thank you
You’re welcome! Glad you like it!
I loved this series! It helps knowing these words for my word games that I play! Thank you, Arlene! I love all of your blogs!
Thanks so much!
Zounds! Zillions of Z wordz!
Zes indeed!