Phobia. We all know what it means: fear.

When I taught 7th grade English, I taught Greek and Latin roots, and phobia was among those roots. The class would make all the words they could think of with the root. The most common phobia words that most of us know are claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces), arachnophobia (fear of spiders), agoraphobia (fear of the marketplace: fear of going out in public), and hydrophobia (fear of water).
However, there are thousands of phobias for all things imaginable and other things unimaginable (a later post!). Here are some phobias for those of you afraid of creep, crawly things and animals:
acrophobia — insects that cause itching
agrizoophobia — wild animals
ailurophobia — cats (there are at least three other words for this fear including felinophobia, of course)
alektorophobia — chickens
apiphobia — bees (there are other words for this phobia)
bufonophobia — toads
chiroptophobia — bats
cynophobia — dogs
doraphobia — animal fur or skin
entomophobia — insects
equinophobia — horses
herpetophobia — reptiles
ichthyophobia — fish
isopterophobia — termites
katsaridaphobia — cockroaches
lutraphobia — otters
mottephobia — moths
musophobia — mice (there are a few other names too )
myrmecophobia — ants
ophidiophobia — snakes (also snakephobia!)
ornithophobia — birds
ostraconophobia — shellfish ( no, not ostriches)
pediculophobia — lice (and ped means child…..hmmmmmm)
ranidaphobia — frogs
scoleciphobia — worms
selachophobia — sharks
spheksophobia — wasps (that’s my phobia!)
teniophobia – tapeworms
taurophobia — bulls
zemmiphobia — the great mole rat
zoophobia — animals
As Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, “There is nothing to fear but fear itself.” That would be phobophobia!
Thanks to!
Great post! Have nice day ! 🙂 grpok