Last week’s post was the Post-Election Word Wall Part 1. Here is the concluding segment of the post-election word wall:
Best New Hyperboles – bigly (which may actually have been big league, but it aways sounded like bigly) and yuge. Oh, and we should probably add tremendous.
Most Discussed Body Part – Hands (Yes, I know . . . there were others!)
The Four B Words – Benghazi, Breitbart, Blind Trust, Bannon
The List of Insults (likely not a complete list):
- Crooked Hillary
- Little Marco
- Lying Ted
- Low-Energy Jeb
- Pocahontas (Elizabeth Warren)
- Miss Piggy (Ms. Machado, former Miss Universe)
- Uniquely Unqualified
Favorite Twitter Words – wrong, bad, unfair, disaster (electoral college 2012), genius (electoral college 2016)
Words to Describe the Election: Corrupt, Rigged, “the people have spoken,” “accept it and move on,” WTF?
Post-Election Words:
- fence (formerly known as wall?)
- cabinet
- transition team
- popular vote
- electoral college
- deportation
- fight!
- petition
- protest
- hate crimes
- Million Women’s March on Washington
- 2018
- 2020
Next week: No more politics. Back to grammar and such.(Glad to hear that??)
I actually am glad to hear that there will be no more politics!
Back to grammar and other happy things!
‘Post-truth’ named word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries
I have not heard of that one at all! Here is another one, speaking of truth: Fake news! Is that an oxymoron??