Yesterday, I baked a batch of cookies. I cut them into cute shapes, and I opened the oven to bake them. I had copied the recipe from my great-grandmother’s recipe file, which we found among the things we had put into storage when she passed away. When the cookies looked done, I took a small byte. I found that they were not quite cooked enough, so I put them back into the oven and closed the door. In a few minutes, I cut one of the bars and tried another bit of my great-grandmother’s apple cinnamon bars to discover that they were perfect! I am hosting a big party tonight, and my kids, whom I have employed as servers, will pass the cookies around to the guests.
The party was a great success, but there was so much food left over, including some of the cookies. I let the kids share some of the leftover cookies. I always make way too much food, so they didn’t finish all the cookies. I figure they can bring them to school. We have had a few problems with bugs in the past – and I even caught a mouse recently — so I saved them in a zip-lock bag with a tag that said “World’s Best Cookies.”
I guess you can see what I am getting at here.
Remember when . . .
- Apples were a fruit, not something you chose instead of a PC?
- Opening and closing things required a tiny bit of elbow grease, not just a click?
- Bits and bytes (bites) tasted good?
- A batch of cookies smelled good, and you didn’t have to delete them?
- A mouse and bugs scurried and flew — and hopefully didn’t go near you or your computer?
- You needed a knife or a pair of scissors to cut something?
- You hosted parties, not websites?
- Servers were humans, sometimes wearing white aprons?
- Copying a paper was cheating and required some writing or typing?
- Storage took up a lot of space? Real space, not virtual space.
- If you wanted to find a file, you looked in a cabinet?
- You either saved the rest of your school lunch, shared it with a friend, or threw it away?
- A zipper could get stuck?
- A tag had a price that was usually too high?
Grammar Diva News
If you are interested in the various aspects of writing and publishing, I will be participating in a roundtable discussion, presented by Redwood Writers on Sunday, September 11. I will be discussing the editing and proofreading portion of the topic. Click here for more information.
Yes, I just released my latest book, the second edition of The Best Little Grammar Book Ever! now available at your local Copperfield’s Books and on Amazon.com. If you have the book or purchase the book, reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, or your favorite site are always greatly appreciated!
And so soon . . . another book? Yes! The Best Little Grammar WORKbook Ever! that accompanies the new second edition is currently at the page designer and will be released some time in September. You can use them together, or you can certainly use each one alone. Both the book and the workbook cover the same material with the same exact table of contents. However, obviously the grammar workbook is full of quizzes, tests, and practice exercises. No cover yet to show you.
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