The Best of The Grammar Diva
originally published on December 11, 2014
The holidays are upon us, and once again you are stumped. What do you get someone who apparently has everything? Or at least has the money to buy everything? What do you buy someone you don’t know so well? Books, that’s what! Why? Here are some great reasons:
- Books are easy to get. You can get them in a store or online and you can have them delivered anywhere. You can even mail them book rate and save some money.
- Books are easy to wrap! No weird shapes! That helps people who wrap the way I do! They also fit nicely in gift bags.
- Books come in a huge variety of prices from the very inexpensive on up.
- You can buy books for any age recipient, from an infant to a senior — and you can generally tell, or find out, the ages the book was intended for.
- You can buy books for any gender of recipient.
- Everyone is interested in something, and there is always a book for that “something.” If you don’t know what that something is, there are always bestsellers that interest most everyone.
- Books keep on giving. If you like a book, you can then share it with someone else, who can then share it with someone else. Then, you can donate it.
- Books are entertaining. Books can take you into a new world — if even for just a little while.
- Books are very portable. Especially ebooks. They travel well and fill time well.
- Books are educational!
Shameless Promotion Section: Let’s focus on #10 for a minute. I’ll bet you can think of someone — a student, a teacher, a recent graduate, a job seeker, a professional, someone for whom English is a second language, someone who writes frequently for his or her job, someone interested in words and language — who might really appreciate a grammar book. Not a thick, boring tome that reminds you of English class decades ago. . . . but a small, easy-to-read, light-hearted book that concentrates only on the mistakes that most people make when writing and speaking. Could someone you know (or maybe even you) use a book like that? Let’s see grammar books fit our other 9 reasons:
(1) Yes, they are easy to get. Amazon has them, as well as all other online book retailers (and this website). (2) Nice rectangles, they will be easy to wrap and inexpensive to send. (3) None cost more than $20 (4) They are intended for anyone from about 10 to 110, (5)Any gender! (6) Everyone needs good grammar, and (7) shares a great grammar book or donates it to a lucky school! (8)— They are as entertaining as a grammar book can be, while still giving you good information. (9) They are easy to carry, either in paperback or on your favorite reader. (10) And of course, they’re educational!
You can find my books on Amazon right here! Fifty Shades of Grammar and Does Your Flamingo Flamenco! make particularly good gifts as they are light and humorous!
11. Oh, I almost forgot #11! You can make a really nice Christmas tree out of books!
Happy Holidays from bigwords101 and The Grammar Diva!
Some links you might enjoy:
Teaching Grammar Doesn’t Help Writing
Loved it thanks. Promotion well deserved!
Thank you…and thank you! Happy Holidays to you and yours!