Here we go with Part 3 of commonly mispronounced words: L through R Here are Part 1 and Part 2 if you didn’t read them.
Liable – This word has three syllables and in legal terms means obligated. Libel has two syllables and is a defamatory statement.
Niche – It comes from the French. Some people (wrongly) go for a French sound and say ni-chay. Others go for a super Anglican pronunciation and say nitch. The preferred pronunciation is neesh in most dictionaries. However, nitch has become so common, it is preferred by other dictionaries.
Mauve, in English (as opposed to American, is pronounced exactly to rhyme with stove.
But I agree with all the others … especially (my bugbear) newkiller. Especially when those same people would not hesitate to say ‘new clear’ so it must be a learned error.
One say we’ll teach you Americans to say ‘aluminium’
Thanks for that info. But, but, but….”aluminum” has no i in the last syllable….
But it does have an ‘i’. It’s you guys that have got it wrong (like losing the ‘u’ in honour, etc)
I blame Mr Webster!
I assume you are talking about mischievous. The “i” isn’t in the last syllable.
I am guilty of grouping my pray-ludes in the nitch of classical music. Oy! I should know better, having studied French for 10 years!
Ha! Thanks for the comment! I bet you can actually speak French. I took it for several years and can speak about a half dozen words.
I think you should write Rachel and tell her how you never miss her show, but to please be careful with pronunciations!
I was going to write her, but I don’t have an e-mail for her, and I didn’t want to post it in public. I guess I could easily find out an e-mail!
I was in my 30s when someone was bold enough to tell me I had been wrongly pronouncing “perseverance” by adding an “r” between the second “e” and the “v.” I was a little ashamed but it was something I learned in childhood. My dad finished fifth grade and though my mom graduated high school, she grew up in rural southeastern Missouri. I learned my lesson, changed my pronunciation, and became the chill dude I am today.
Thanks for the comment! I am glad you were able to become the chill dude you are! It must have taken perseverance!
Good learning material
One more: Realtor should be pronounced REEL-TOR, not REE-LA-TOR.
Thank you. How did I miss that one! I always talk about that one.
Reel-a-tor is one of my biggest peeves.
Another is joo-luh-free instead of jewel-ree
Thanks for the comment. Yes, those two are often mispronounced!