It’s that time of year again.
- If you live in a cold climate, it is getting cooler.
- We are turning the clocks back soon (except for those of you in Arizona).
- We are beginning to eat all the Halloween candy we bought to give out (oh, maybe that is just me!).
- The leaves have fallen to the ground (or they will soon).
Some people live for Halloween. For others it is just another day. Some will turn off their porch lights so no one will come looking for candy; maybe they know only a few kids will come anyway, so why bother. Others will give out gobs of candy because they live in a neighborhood so Halloween-desirable that parents drive their kids over to Trick or Trick.
Whatever your feelings about autumn and Halloween might be, you will want to know these facts about Halloween! Scroll down for the answers. And before I forget, thank you to the following websites:
Halloween Trivia Quiz
1. What do the two Halloween colors, orange and black, represent?
2. According to legend, what does it mean if you see a spider on Halloween?
3. What is the fear of Halloween called?
4. Where did bobbing for apples originate?
5. Name the person who made the first jack-o-lantern. What country was he or she from?
6. Each year, how many pounds of candy corn are produced?
7. What materials were the first Halloween costumes made of?
8. Which American city holds the record for the most jack-o-lanterns lit at once?
9. The movie Halloween was made in how many days?
10. What is the most popular candy for Halloween?
11. What is the original name for candy corn?
12. Who began the black cat superstition?
13. What were the first jack-o-lanterns made from?
14. When did trick or treating begin, and what was it called?
15. Women, in the 18th century, used to throw apple peels over their shoulders on Halloween, hoping to see what?
16. How much do Americans spend on Halloween, on average?
17. Which state produces more than five times the number of pumpkins as any other state?
18. Where do the Vampire cats live?
19. What was the first individually wrapped candy?
20. The movie Hocus Pocus had a different name before that name. What was it?
Scroll down for the answers:
- Orange represents the Fall harvest, and black represents death.
- That a loved one is watching over you.
- Samhainophobia
- Ancient Rome
- Jack – from Ireland
- 35 million
- Animal heads and skin
- Boston, or Keene, New Hampshire. Sources differ.
- 21
- Chocolate
- Buttercream candies
- The Pilgrims
- Turnips
- In Medieval times. Back then, it was known as guising in Scotland and Ireland.
- Their future husband’s initials.
- About $90
- Illinois
- Central and South America
- Tootsie Rolls
- Halloween House
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