After six weeks of comma posts, you are now ready for the quiz! Ready, Set, Go! (Answers are at the end if you scroll down.)
Insert commas in the following sentences where necessary. No other punctuation marks need to be added. Some sentences may be fine without any commas.
1.My sister and her friends are coming to visit.
2. I love the song “Forget You.”
3. Bob was usually a quiet man; however he screamed upon entering the room.
4. It is a cold rainy day.
5. This book which is written by William Golding is my favorite.
6. The book that is on top of the table is next on my reading list.
7. I decided not to cook dinner and went to the movies instead.
8. I was born on August 10 1980 in Lincoln Nebraska.
9. The only four ingredients in this recipe are sugar vanilla eggs and flour.
10. I did not do very well on the test however so I failed the course.
11. Yes Elaine the party is at my house.
12. My address is 1487 Markham Place Boston Massachusetts 01987.
13. She was wearing a bright blue dress.
14. I don’t like to cook and by the way I don’t like to bake either.
15. After reading new ideas popped into my head.
16. Under the chair in my bedroom sat the cat I had been looking for.
17. John J. Chatham Jr. is the mayor of Sunshine Nevada.
18. I have all genres of novels e.g. science fiction romance mystery and thriller.
19. Don’t wait for me because I might be late.
20. Although I want to go I think I have other plans for that day.
21. The letter was written in May 2000.
22. Why you don’t move out of that rat-infested apartment I will never understand.
23. The point of the matter is is she hiding something.
24. Out of 450 75 are over 80.
25. I think he is coming too.
26. My brother just started working at Haven Plastics Inc.
27. Helen Gonzalez Ph.D. is speaking at our conference.
28. Of course I will support whatever you want to do.
29. Is she going to run for secretary of the association is the question.
30. “I am planning a party next month” she said “but I don’t know which weekend.”
Scroll down for the answers . . . .
1.My sister and her friends are coming to visit. (No commas)
2. I love the song “Forget You.” (No commas)
3. Bob was usually a quiet man; however, he screamed upon entering the room.
4. It is a cold, rainy day.
5. This book, which is written by William Golding, is my favorite.
6. The book that is on top of the table is next on my reading list. (No commas)
7. I decided not to cook dinner and went to the movies instead. (No commas)
8. I was born on August 10, 1980, in Lincoln, Nebraska.
9. The only four ingredients in this recipe are sugar, vanilla, eggs, and flour. (The comma after eggs is optional.)
10. I did not do very well on the test, however, so I failed the course.
11. Yes, Elaine, the party is at my house.
12. My address is 1487 Markham Place, Boston, Massachusetts 01987.
13. She was wearing a bright blue dress. (No commas)
14. I don’t like to cook, and, by the way, I don’t like to bake either.
15. After reading, new ideas popped into my head. (Confusing without comma)
16. Under the chair in my bedroom sat the cat I had been looking for. (No commas)
17. John J. Chatham, Jr., is the mayor of Sunshine, Nevada. (The comma after Jr. is optional)
18. I have all genres of novels, e.g., science fiction, romance, mystery, and thriller. (The comma after mystery is optional.)
19. Don’t wait for me unless you want to be late. (No comma)
20. Although I want to go, I think I have other plans for that day.
21. The letter was written in May 2000. (No commas)
22. Why you don’t move out of that rat-infested apartment, I will never understand.
23. The point of the matter is, is she hiding something.
24. Out of 450, 75 are over 90 years old.
25. I think he is coming too. (No comma needed)
26.My brother just started working at Haven Plastics, Inc. (Use a comma unless the company doesn’t use one in its name.)
27. Helen Gonzalez, Ph.D., is speaking at our conference.
28. Of course I will support whatever you want to do. (A comma after of course is optional.)
29. Is she going to run for secretary of the association, is the question.
30. “I am planning a party next month,” she said, “but I don’t know which weekend.”
I would make #23 simply: “The point of the matter is if she is hiding something.” If left as is, I would put a question mark at the end.
#29: I would leave it as originally written with no comma.
To improve 23, you would write “The point of the matter is that she is hiding something.”
It is a standard to use a comma in a case like #29.