Last week we talked about confusing words that begin with I. Here is the quiz….
1 I am not sure (if, whether) I will walk or ride my bike to the lake.
2. One of the (indexes, indices) in this book has a few typos.
3. When she was talking about taking the exam again, I (inferred, implied) she had failed it the first time she took it.
4. (In regard to, In regards to) your e-mail, I completely disagree with your plans.
5. I hope the new drapes I bought are (inflammable, nonflammable).
6. The poor, starving dog I adopted ate all (its, it’s) food in about two seconds.
7. I find it (intolerable, intolerant) that the neighbor’s dog barks all night.
8. She (could, couldn’t) care less if she ever sees her ex-fiance again.
9. I hate being (idle, idol), so I have developed many hobbies.
10. I just turned my ballot (into, in to) the dropbox outside the Veteran’s Building.
11. He (inferred, implied) that he would be moving out of California to go to college.
12. (Incidentally, Incidently), I saw you walking downtown last week, but I was in too much of a hurry to say hi.
13. Those kids look as if they might be trying to (incite, insight) some trouble.
14. I don’t know (if, whether) I should go or not.
15. I let my car (idle, idol), so I could leave the air conditioning on for the dog.
16. Pour the dry ingredients (in to, into) the bowl with the wet ingredients.
17. My favorite part of the book is (when, where) they find the body in the snow.
18. I often ask her opinion because she has good (incite, insight) into people.
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1 I am not sure (if, whether) I will walk or ride my bike to the lake.
2. One of the (indexes, indices) in this book has a few typos.
3. When she was talking about taking the exam again, I (inferred, implied) she had failed it the first time she took it.
4. (In regard to, In regards to) your e-mail, I completely disagree with your plans. (Either one if correct. “Regards” is more formal.)
5. I hope the new drapes I bought are (inflammable, nonflammable).
6. The poor, starving dog I adopted ate all (its, it’s) food in about two seconds.
7. I find it (intolerable, intolerant) that the neighbor’s dog barks all night.
8. She (could, couldn’t) care less if she ever sees her ex-fiance again.
9. I hate being (idle, idol), so I have developed many hobbies.
10. I just turned my ballot (into, in to) the dropbox outside the Veteran’s Building.
11. He (inferred, implied) that he would be moving out of California to go to college.
12. (Incidentally, Incidently), I saw you walking downtown last week, but I was in too much of a hurry to say hi.
13. Those kids look as if they might be trying to (incite, insight) some trouble.
14. I don’t know (if, whether) I should go or not.
15. I let my car (idle, idol), so I could leave the air conditioning on for the dog.
16. Pour the dry ingredients (in to, into) the bowl with the wet ingredients.
17. My favorite part of the book is (when, where) they find the body in the snow.
18. I often ask her opinion because she has good (incite, insight) into people.
Stay safe!
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