Yup. This post is all about me in the stressful time of relocating, Covid-19, and buying a house. No wonder I am eating cheese popcorn and chocolate nonstop!
I promise we will get back to grammarish things next week.
But first, how are you all doing in the pandemic, which isn’t over by any means, although there are those who choose to believe it is?
It is hard to believe that I have now been in Florida for 9 months! When I moved here last September, the world was”normal.” I could go to Target without a second thought. I could sit and drink a mocha at Starbucks. Remember those days? Remember when face masks were for Halloween and not a new fashion accessory?
Adjusting to Florida even in those normal days was difficult, and I am sure I am not done yet. I am out in the strip-mall-covered suburbs of Tampa with new developments everywhere (and I mean everywhere) you look. In California I was in more of a town. With an actual cute downtown. I was surprised to find out that the auto insurance in Florida is twice as much as it was in California, that there is terrible traffic (and drivers), and that there would be a Confederate flag proudly waving from someone’s private property along the highway about 10 miles north of me.
In November I returned to California to visit my son and my friends. In February, before the pandemic was recognized in this country, I returned to California for a short visit. Coronavirus was a new word back then. When a friend suggested I wear a mask on the plane, I scoffed at her. Yet I did go to Walgreens to look for masks. They were sold out. I was in three airports and four separate flights. I saw maybe five people with masks that whole time.
In Florida I have been living at my daughter and son-in-law’s brand new house. They had barely lived here since their jobs as professional ice skaters took them away touring for most of the year. This was to be their last year touring, and they would be home in early May when their tour was over. I was “babysitting” their house and thinking about where I wanted to move. I had planned to buy my own place (I had periods of wanting to rent too — and periods of wanting to go back to California) and move sometime this spring or summer.
Enter Covid. Of course the “kids'” tour was abruptly canceled in Mid March and they were home on March 16. I had gone to the library on March 14, and that was the last time I would go anywhere for a few months. They are working on finding employment, and I am buying a house.
I left almost everything in California, so I need furniture. One cannot buy everything online. One might want to try out a sofa for comfort before buying one. So two days ago, the kids and I went to two furniture stores. After not going out to any retail establishments in months (the kids did the grocery shopping), I finally dared to go out. I sat down on sectionals, without sterilizing them. I went to the very crowded Ikea where more than half the people had no masks — and I didn’t notice any social distancing. I am still a little freaked out about that trip.
I bought a house that needed a little more than I thought it would, although it is lovely and in almost move-in condition. But signing all those documents, sending in financial information, paying for all those things like inspections without a second thought, arranging for things to be done right after I close and before I move in, buying enough furniture so I can live (and probably putting it together — thank you Shelley and Josh), getting insurance. I am stressed.
I am stressed because I am a naturally easily stressed person. I am stressed because the political situation in the United States has made many of us nervous wrecks for the past three and a half years. I am stressed because I miss my son and friends. I am stressed because I am in a new place and have had to stop doing things where I could meet people like my writing and publishing groups. I am stressed because I am afraid I will catch Covid. I am stressed because I am buying a house. I am stressed because I need to buy things and shopping is not fun as it used to be; it is downright scary!
Needless to say, I haven’t gotten a lot of writing done — except for my blog posts, of course. I am very committed to you all!
So that is what is new with me! Thank you if you have read this far! But I do have some grammar-related news!
I will be a guest on the Nonfiction Authors Association teleseminar series on July 1. It is free to attend. Click here for more information.
I am a proud finalist in the 2020 President’s Book Awards! The awards are sponsored by the Florida Authors and Publishers Association, and the book is:
Congrats on being a finalist for the President’s Book Awards. What a stressful several months for you! Hope things settle down and Florida starts to feel more like home.
Thank you so much! I don’t take well to stress!!! I appreciate your kind words.
Hi Arlene:
My brother and sister-in-law moved to Northport, FL. about four year ago. It’s on the west coast near Venice. They built a home there and seem to like it.
Congratulations on your being a finalist in the 2020 book awards. I saw that on Facebook. You deserve it.
I forgot to say Best of luck in your new home.
Thank you so much!
Hi, Ellen – I am about an hour and a half north of Venice; I haven’t been there yet. I hear it is very nice. Thanks! (re the book awards).
Phew! That is quite stressful.
Hope your furniture shopping & home repairs go well.
Hoping the first of the repairs goes well. Next week will be busy. The kids are going to Ikea today to pick up more furniture for me!
Hi Arlene,
Congratulations on your nomination! Covid or no Covid life obviously goes on full of events for those who want it so. I am from far away Bulgaria in Europe. We have been under great stress here as well and still are although restrictions are a bit less now. I am glad you will soon start your activities on ‘grammaring’.
Zhivka Doycheva
Zhivka – Thank you so much! Take care and stay well over there!
Best of luck in Florida, Arlene. I will continue to follow you through your newsletter and books. Congrats on being a finalist for the President’s book award. You’re a hard worker and a much needed preserver of the language. Courage! We all need it.
Aw, thanks so much, Jennie! I appreciate all your kind words — and the fact you follow me! Have you been able to keep dancing through the pandemic? I tap dance in my bare feet in the kitchen all the time, while I am waiting for my coffee!!
Arlene —
Florida! California will miss you… Come back and see us once in a while!
We’ve each been dealing with the virus in our own way…
Here’s mine: https://www.dan-keller.com/nursing/
Stay safe!
Yup, Florida. I miss California and will be back as soon as I dare to fly. You can be my medical consultant! Sounds as if you have been busy!
Thank God that you’re such a strong person, because these times are testing you. I’m so happy that you received the 2020 President’s Book Award. Hopefully that will mean great sales which should alleviate just a little of the stress. Soon you’ll be in your new house and then, I hope, you’ll feel much better. By the way, I miss you, too.
Thanks, Jeanne. I really miss you. I’m glad we get together virtually every week! I don’t feel strong, but people tell me I am, so I guess I will believe them!
Wow, it does sound like a stressful time. Thanks for sharing–even though it wasn’t about grammar. I have continued to enjoy your Instagram posts. I’m glad you haven’t stopped communicating, even if you haven’t been writing much! Good luck with settling in to your new place.
Thank you, Audrey – It is good to hear from you, and I see you online! I miss you Californians so much!
And I am very proud of you. I knew you when you were just starting. Look how far you’ve come! You are a hero to me, Arlene, for you guard our precious language. I think people, in general, do not know how important it is to use language as it is meant to be used or, surely, we can be and are used by it. So, keep doing what you are doing. Good luck in your new home. Know that as much as you miss us, we miss you. Big hug, Kathryn
Kathryn – You made my day with your lovely words! That is all I have to say. Hugs! 🙂
Wow! What an adventure–even without COVID-19! Moving across country must’ve been tough. Leaving family and friends was probably equally tough. Florida is culture shock. My daughter and son in law are moving there, near Tampa, the end of this month. I wish them luck, especially after reading your post. My best to you, Arlene!
Interesting, since my daughter and son-in-law moved here too! And we are near Tampa. Where are they moving to??? And why? Yes, the culture shock is fairly extreme. It was very tough leaving my friends, and mostly my son. I was trying to get my son to move here — or at least visit — but now with the pandemic! But then, mu daughter, whom I have always been close with, is here, and I have met a feew friends who share my political views and are lovely, including my son-in-law’s aunt who recently moved here from North Caroline.
Oh Arlene. Your emotions are natural. Your stress is global. Your worries are real — and relatable. Thank you for sharing the truth of you. Though I hardly participate in your forums, I read them as I follow you and your career. I am proud to announce that “I knew Arlene Miller as a brunette., and before she published her first book.” Take care and keep the spirits up. You are a risk-taker who knows her new community has been waiting…for her.
Charlene – So good to hear from you and read your kind words. I so miss you as a neighbor and a teacher friend. I never think of myself as strong or a risk taker….so thank you for the confidence in me. I miss Jake so much and want to get back to Petaluma for another visit. Hope you and Ken and Stella and your “kids” are doing well! (Congrats to Sarah and her success!) Are you teaching??? What is up with Petaluma and the schools??
That was great. Real . Important to share thanks.
Thank you, my friend!
So glad to hear of your success. Congratulations. I follow you faithfully.
Evie Groch
Thank you so much, Evie! I appreciate that!
I appreciate you sharing your story of a mid-life “adventure” and change. It really is a time of vulnerability for so many!
Thanks for all the work you do to keep us all “grammar” informed.
Thank you so much, Kimberly! I will keep working to keep you “grammar informed”!
You could have come and stayed with me in Bucerias, and we’d have been stressed together. For all the above reasons, too, except we’re in Mexico when we should be at home building a small house. Being in Mexico is fine, but it doesn’t get the house built. Thanks for sharing, Arlene. I just venting, and it felt great! I’ve been a follower for a long time, and I think this is the first time I’ve ever commented. Hmm.
You started by writing career! I remember writing my first blog post for you! Why are you in Mexico? Did you get caught there in the pandemic??? Where is home? I don’t remember. I am so glad you are still following. And thanks for being a part of my start!
It has been an unpredictable sometimes horrifying few months . Hmm. Should I have used a comma.? 🤫. Keep on keeping on ….we need to focus on what we can control .
Congrats on nomination !
I miss you, and I am looking forward to when we can visit each other again!!! Thanks!