Last week we talked about confusing word pairs that begin with F. Here is the little quiz:
1 (Fewer, Less) people attended the parade than attended last year.
2. Everyone says she has a real (flair, flare) for fashion.
3. When I heard that joke, I (figuratively, literally) fell over laughing!
4. I hear they have great (fair, fare) at the county (fair, fare).
5. After she married Lawrence Vance Gill, she was (formally, formerly) known as Mrs. Lawrence V. Gill.
6. I grew up in Louisiana and then moved to Tennessee. I preferred the (former, latter).
7. My legs hurt so much that I cannot ride this bicycle any (farther, further).
8. All the (forth, fourth) graders go back and (forth, fourth) among three classrooms.
9. My uncle (found, founded) a private school in 1950.
10. I hope you bought (flammable, inflammable, nonflammable) face masks for the children.
11. We can discuss this (farther, further) after dinner.
12. First, add the dry ingredients together. (Second, Secondly), add the eggs.
13. I love that zoo because they have (flamencos, flamingos).
14. I am trying to get a famous scientist to write the (foreward, foreword, forword, forward) for my book.
15. With the new stop sign at the corner, I think there will be (fewer, less) accidents.
16. I (figuratively, literally) hit the ceiling when I saw that the dog had peed all over the rug.
17. I don’t like the candles anywhere near those curtains because they are (flammable, inflammable, nonflammable).
18. Please dress (formally, formerly) for her wedding.
19. I love Indian (fair, fare) when I dine out.
20. I think a big storm is (eminent, imminent) when I see that dark sky.
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1 (Fewer, Less) people attended the parade than attended last year.
2. Everyone says she has a real (flair, flare) for fashion.
3. When I heard that joke, I (figuratively, literally) fell over laughing! (if you really fell over, which is possible)
4. I hear they have great (fair, fare) at the county (fair, fare).
5. After she married Lawrence Vance Gill, she was (formally, formerly) known as Mrs. Lawrence V. Gill.
6. I grew up in Louisiana and then moved to Tennessee. I preferred the (former, latter). Who knows? You cannot tell from the sentence!
7. My legs hurt so much that I cannot ride this bicycle any (farther, further).
8. All the (forth, fourth) graders go back and (forth, fourth) among three classrooms.
9. My uncle (found, founded) a private school in 1950.
10. I hope you bought (flammable, inflammable, nonflammable) face masks for the children.
11. We can discuss this (farther, further) after dinner.
12. First, add the dry ingredients together. (Second, Secondly), add the eggs.
13. I love that zoo because they have (flamencos, flamingos).
14, I am trying to get a famous scientist to write the (foreward, foreword, forword, forward) for my book.
15. With the new stop sign at the corner, I think there will be (fewer, less) accidents.
16. I (figuratively, literally) hit the ceiling when I saw that the dog had peed all over the rug. (unless you really did hit the ceiling!)
17. I don’t light candles anywhere near those curtains because they are (flammable, inflammable, nonflammable). (either one; they are synonymous)
18. Please dress (formally, formerly) for her wedding.
19. I love Indian (fair, fare) when I dine out.
20. I think a big storm is (eminent, imminent) when I see that dark sky.
I will have an article in this coming Monday’s blog on Joel Friedlander’s site https://www.thebookdesigner.com/ The article is called “Grammar and Our Changing Society.” Please check it out on Monday!
I will be talking about grammar next Friday, September 18, on the National Association of Memoir Writers teleseminar with Linda Joy Meyers. Please tune in!
Nice work, all the way around. Glad people are talking about grammar for the national association of memoir writers.
Thanks so much, Jennie!