Best of the Grammar Diva
The pumpkin is a fruit because it has seeds, and it is in the same family as the cucumber.
Illinois produces 40% of the nation’s pumpkins.
The average household gives two pieces of candy to each trick or treater.
Dracula means Son of the Devil.
Jack O’Lanterns were originally made of turnips.
Transylvania is in Romania
Nineteen people were hanged during the Salem witch trials.
$300 million is spent on pet costumes for Halloween annually.
Halloween is the second largest consumer holiday. Of course, Christmas is the first.
Halloween originated in Ireland.
It is said that people born on Halloween can see and talk to spirits.
Pumpkins originated in Central America.
People in New England call the night before Halloween Cabbage Night.
Lewisburg, Ohio, is home to the world’s longest haunted house.
And….Psycho was the first movie to show a toilet onscreen – in 1960. So now you know!
Samhainophobia is the fear of Halloween.
Ailurophobia is the fear of cats.
Chiroptophobia is the fear of bats.
Hadephobia is the fear of hell.
Hemophobia is the fear of blood.
Herpetophobia is the fear of creepy crawly things.
Myctophobia is the fear of darkness.
Necrophobia is the fear of dead things.
Nyctohylophobia is the fear of dark wooded areas or forests at night.
Paraskavedekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th.
Phasmophobia is the fear of ghosts.
Placophobia is the fear of tombstones.
Pneumatiphobia is the fear of spirits.
Wiccaphobia is the fear of witches.
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