New year! New me! New you! Right?
We are going to join the gym. Or if we already are members, we are actually going to go to the gym. We are going to walk more, drink more water, sleep more, eat less fat, fewer carbs, less sugar and salt. We are going to meditate, watch less television, scroll through our phones less.
Whom are we kidding?
Here is the situation for 2025 New Year Resolutions, according to Statista:
21 % of us resolve to spend less money.
19% of us are going to eat healthier.
17% of us are going to exercise more.
14% of us are going to spend more time with family and friends.
9% of us resolve to quit smoking.
9% of us are going to cut down on living expenses.
43% of us are not doing any of it.
Here are some other popular resolutions through the years:
- Get organized.
- Learn a new skill.
- Live life to the fullest.
- Travel more.
- Read more.
I looked up suggestions for fun and funny resolutions. I stopped at the first one because I loved it so much:
- Order every drink on the Starbucks menu. I might try that one.
How about resolutions for book lovers?
- Never be without a book to read.
- Return library books on time.
- Join a book club.
- Read outdoors.
- Learn your librarians’ names.
- Finish books you start unless you don’t like them.
- Explore more genres.
- Read the book before you see the movie.
- Have your next book ready to read. Always.
- Declutter your bookshelves.
- Write to authors you like.
- Save favorite passages and quotes in a Reading Journal.
- Patronize your local bookstores.
- Keep a record of all books you finish.
- Give more books as gifts.
- Visit all the libraries in your county or library system.
- Don’t look ahead or read the last page before you get there.
- Read with others. Have a reading party. Read aloud with others, or to others.
And resolutions for coffee lovers…
- Try a new roast.
- Start a coffee club.
- Drink as much water as you do coffee, so you don’t become dehydrated.
- Make your coffee at home.
- Drink it straight – no cream or sugar or syrups.
- Stop using disposable cups.
No, we didn’t forget you tea lovers:
- Invest in a proper tea set.
- Add new teas to your repertoire.
- Patronize a tearoom.
- Try new teatime recipes – sandwiches, sweets, etc. – and see what pairs well.
- Create a tea escape in your house – or outside.
Did you know that people who make New Year resolutions tend to be less happy than those who don’t? I guess that makes sense since most resolutions concern improving ourselves. Those who are less happy with their current lives are more likely to feel there is room for improvement.
So what is the success rate? Well, 75% of resolutions make it through the first week, 71% make it through two weeks, 64% make it past a month, and 46% make it through six months. Not too bad.
Here are some tips on how to make your resolutions more successful: (These ideas generally make anything you plan to do more successful.)
- Be specific: Instead of saying “get in shape, ” say “exercise three times a week.”
- Write the resolutions down.
- Make a timetable. Establish small goals along the way.
- Don’t give up. If you eat the whole chocolate cake, don’t give up. Just don’t figure you might as well eat one every day now! (I tend to think like that.)
- Get support from friends and family — or whomever you trust has your best interest in mind.
Whether or not you have any New Year Resolutions for the coming year….
Finding this a little later into the New Year, but just had to share a win! One of my goals was to keep a cleaner house, and I decided to start fresh by having the carpet cleaners over. Now I’m motivated to keep it looking (and smelling) this good!
One of my goals as well….so much to do! Thanks for the comment and good luck!
I like your newer, more realistic resolutions. When I went on business trips, I always brought three books: the one I was reading,, the second one to read if I finished the first, and the third in case I didn’t like the second one.
My sister (now deceased) and I competed to say, “I control snow!” first after Christmas. I’ve said it first every year for decades. My resolution is to relinquish that responsibility now that snow is unpredictable and showing up in places it never had before.. I can’t handle the guilty feelings despite the fact that I never really had control to begin with (although it was nice when my predictions were pretty accurate).
Thanks for the comment! With Kindle, it is a lot easier to bring three books with you — which is a good idea! I have no resolutions this year, just manifestations.
This is a great post! I really enjoyed reading about the new year resolutions.
Thank you and Happy New Year!