Here are ten common words that are among the most mispronounced in the English language.
The Grammar Diva Blog - Bites of Grammar and Such
Me, Myself, Or I?
My newest pet peeve is the incorrect use of the pronoun “myself.” I have been hearing it more and more–or perhaps I have just noticed it more and more.
Jabberwocky Gibberish?
Here are ten tips to improve your writing. You wouldn’t want to end up writing something that sounds like your mortgage papers!
Grammar Magic!
There are some words that can be used as one word or two — and it does make a difference which you choose. These words include everyone (every one), anyone (any one), sometimes (some time or some times), and into, our culprit for today. I talk about these words in Correct Me If I’m […]
Happy National Grammar Day!
March 4 is National Grammar Day! Here are some ways to celebrate and some links you might enjoy!