50 Grammar, Punctuation, Writing, and Word Usage Tips You Can Use Now
Want a simple guide that answers those pesky grammar and punctuation issues like
“Do I use who or whom?” “How do I use a semicolon?” or “Where does the comma go?”
Take a look at the information contained in this short e-book:
Grammar Tips
1. I or Me?
2. Misplaced Modifiers
3. Singular They
4. As If or Like?
5. That, Which, and Who
6. Subjunctive Mood
7. Me and Myself (and I)
8. None Is or None Are
Punctuation and Capitalization Tips
9. Quotation Marks with Other Punctuation
10. Italics or Quotes?
11. Possessives
12. Apostrophes with Plurals
13. Hyphens and Dashes
14. Hyphens in Compound Modifiers
15. The Oxford Comma
16. Using the Semicolon (semicolons rock!)
17. Commas with Consecutive Adjectives
18. Commas After People’s Titles
19. Punctuating and Capitalizing Salutations and Closings of Letters/Emails
20. Capitalizing Headings and Titles
21. Punctuation of Dates
Writing Tips
22. Starting Sentences with Conjunctions
23. Active Versus Passive Verbs
24. Big Words or Short Ones?
25. Sentence Variety
26. Parallel Construction
27. Redundancy
Word Usage Tips
28. Affect and Effect
29. Capitol and Capital
30. Principle and Principal
31. All Right and Alright
32. Comprise and Compose
33. Lay and Lie
34. Criteria and Data: Singular or Plural?
35. Disinterested or Uninterested?
36. Libel or Slander?
37. e.g. or i.e.?
38. Further or Farther?
39. Sole and Soul
40. Got or Has?
41. Healthy or Healthful?
42. Imply or Infer?
43. Into or In To?
44. Led or Lead?
45. Lend or Loan?
46. Past or Passed?
47. Some Time, Sometime, or Sometimes?
48. Than or Then?
49. Toward or Towards?
50. Assure, Ensure, Insure