Way back in March, did you ever think that Covid-19 would still be around at Thanksgiving? You probably didn’t think about that at all. None of us did.
Well, here it is — Thanksgiving — and Covid (for those who believe it exists) is worse than ever. We are warned by the experts that there should be no Thanksgiving airplane travel and no large gatherings. Actually, not even any smaller gatherings. The word is you are safest spending Thanksgiving only with the people you live with. And many of us live alone. I have not yet decided about Thanksgiving, but I have been pretty careful these past — what is it now — about nine months??? How time flies when you are in the house. How time flies when you are so busy you just cannot get everything done, and you have no idea why you are so busy!
It is a good time to learn new things — an instrument, a language — I have heard it called “woodshedding,” which I assume means hunkering down and actually accomplishing something you might not accomplish if you are busy going out.
I guess it does somewhat depend on your age and where you are in life. If you are a student, changes are you are in school still — or again. If you are young and employed, you might be working at home, but you might have a job that makes that impossible, so you are out in the world every day. You might have a home business like me. Or you might be retired.
Wherever you are in life, I hope you are being careful and are staying safe (and wearing a mask). And I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving, whether you are dining for two, or three. Whether you are dining alone and Zooming friends and family (why didn’t I buy stock in Zoom a year ago??). Whether you are pretending there is just no Thanksgiving at all this year and reading a book or watching movies on Thanksgiving. Whether you are cooking for one, two, three or more — or whether you are ordering Thanksgiving dinner from your favorite restaurant or grocery store. Or having spaghetti. Or ice cream.
I don’t mean to make you more fearful than you might already be with this post, but I thought it might be interesting to find some fears that have something to do with Thanksgiving, just because these phobia words are such fun. I couldn’t find fear of cranberry sauce or pecan pie, but I did find these:
Gyaliaphobia – Fear of nuts (Did someone just say pecan pie?)
Alliumphobia – Fear of garlic (not one of mine)
Anthrophobia or Anthophobia- Fear of flowers (a nice gift to bring to brighten up the table; who could be afraid of these?)
Autophobia– Fear of being alone. (More people than usual will be alone this holiday, but there is always Zoom, your pet, and your phone — and books.)
Aviophobia or Aviatophobia- Fear of flying (Not recommended this year, but please stay safe if you do.)
Carnophobia– Fear of meat (You could have a nice field roast – I just found out what that is!)
Crystallophobia– Fear of crystals or glass
Deipnophobia– Fear of dining or dinner conversations (This one could be tricky).
Dipsophobia– Fear of drinking
Enochlophobia– Fear of crowds (Well, you probably won’t encounter any of those this year.)
Kathisophobia- Fear of sitting down (Unbutton those pants!)
Lachanophobia– Fear of vegetables (They make a nice side dish, though.)
Mageirocophobia– Fear of cooking (Takeout!)
Ornithophobia– Fear of birds (uh, oh! Field roast??)
Samhainophobia: Fear of Halloween (Whew! That one is over.)
Meleagrisphobia -Fear of turkeys (You knew that one was coming!)
Have a safe and peaceful Thanksgiving!
“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”
My faorite way not to allow”fear” to reside in my life is to make the word an acronym:
False Evidence Appearing Real
This year has given us an oppportunity to find creativity in and around the challenges and fight for the truth.
Remember why we celebrate Thanksgiving Day: to give thanks!
Thanks, Arlene for being the Grammar Diva.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I love your acronym. So true. Thank you for the kind words — and have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
Arlene. . .
You are not alone. You have caring friends – hundreds, and I count myself among them.
Dave – You made my day! Thank you! Glad you are my friend. Please have a safe holiday!
Nice post
Thank you! Have a peaceful and safe Thanksgiving!
Loved your “phobias.” Talk about extreme…
Thanks! There are phobias for everything!
Phobophobia. “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” FDR
My wife and I sit out on our deck and talk to all the neighbors as they walk up and down the street. We’ve gotten to meet many more of them this year than ever before. A deck or a door stoop or a lawn chair in your driveway will all work.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Good idea. I spend a lot of time in my back lanai, but no one is out there except the birds, and on rare occasion, my trumper neighbor. I also have a front screened porch, but can’t see anyone from there either. I guess the driveway is my best option, but then the guy across the street is a major trumper too. Oh, Florida.
You might discover that if you avoid talking politics, these are nice guys.
Mike, this isn’t about politics. It is about morals and ethics — and science and the truth. There are no “nice” people who side with a racist, misogynist, liar, who has let a quarter of a million die, who has let people go hungry — and what has he done? Fight for a job he doesn’t even do. No thanks. If they talk t me, I will reply. Maybe. That is it.